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Facebook Post Dimensions For 2023 (Explained!)

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Posting high-quality pictures can elevate your follower’s experience on your page or Facebook account.

It’s great that you’re interested in Facebook post dimensions, especially since each post is different.

You have regular profile photos, business page profile photos, cover photos, carousel posts, and more. This information is relevant to know whether you’re a professional content creator or a casual Facebook user.

In this article, we provide the dimensions for all the posts you can make on Facebook.

Facebook Post Dimensions

Below, we share the dimensions for all types of Facebook posts.

Personal Profile Picture Dimensions

All profile pictures should have a square aspect ratio. That is, you must upload photos with the same vertical and horizontal lengths.

When uploading your profile picture, we suggest using at least 850px by 850px. That’s the size of the image that appears when someone clicks on your profile picture.

When you’re viewing your profile picture, it appears as 168px by 168px. Your profile picture appears as 40px by 40px in the comment section.

That said, Facebook stores a sharper resolution at 2048px by 2048px.

Facebook Profile Cover Photo Size

Your Facebook cover photo serves as a background for your profile picture. Some marketers even argue it’s an extension of your profile image.

Peeking under the hood shows that the highest resolution Facebook stores is 2037px by 754px.

So use this as the dimensions for your cover photos. However, note that Facebook displays cover photos in different sizes.

On the timeline, it’s shown as 851px by 315px or at an aspect ratio of 2.7:1. So that’s like the minimum you should aim for.

On mobile devices with Retina Display, Facebook shows cover photos at 1125px by 633px dimensions, and 640 pixels wide by 360 pixels tall on regular mobile devices.

Facebook Business Page Cover Photo Size

The cover photo for a business page is different from that of a personal page.

Facebook displays business page cover photos at 820px by 312px (851px by 315px for personal pages).

You can upload an image with maximum dimensions of 1958px by 745px for the best results. These dimensions come in at an aspect ratio of 2.63:1.

Facebook Group Cover Photo Dimensions

There’s a bit of a complication when uploading cover photos for Facebook groups.

To avoid most of these complications, the dimension of a Facebook cover photo is 1640px by 921px, an aspect ratio of 1.78:1.

That said, Facebook displays group cover images at 820px by 461px.

Facebook Single Image Upload Dimensions

Facebook optimizes and resizes every image you upload.

When you upload a single image post on Facebook, it’ll always display at a maximum width of 492px on your follower’s feed or stream.

The height will depend on the orientation of the picture you uploaded. If the image you upload is square (1:1 aspect ratio), the image dimension will be 492px by 492px.

The image will be 492px by 738px for portrait orientation and 492px by 276px for landscape.

However, when your followers click on the images, Facebook will expand the dimensions based on the user’s device screen resolution.

For this reason, the best practice is to upload an image with at least 1200px by 1200px dimensions. That way, users will always see a very high-quality version of your image.

Facebook Multiple Images Upload Dimensions

When you upload multiple images once with similar dimensions and aspect ratio, Facebook has a standard way of displaying such posts.

For example, when you upload three landscape images, Facebook will display one picture on top at 492px by 327px and two images at the bottom at 245px by 163px dimensions.

In the grand scheme of things, uploading images with at least 1200px by 1200px dimensions for landscape and square images and 1364px by 2046px for portrait images makes the effect of Facebook resizing these images redundant.

Facebook ad size

Before tracking your FB ads with pixel, ensure you’re using the correct resolution and dimensions first and foremost. The ideal image size for Facebook ad images is 1200px by 628px, with an aspect ratio of 1.91:1.

Images with an aspect ratio of 1:1 and a minimum size of 1080 by 1080 pixels also work. However, if you’re promoting one of your already published posts, all the dimensions we shared earlier apply.

Facebook Story Dimension

Facebook stories take up the whole screen and thus require images or videos in portrait orientation.

Facebook recommends using 1080 by 1920 pixels to achieve the best results. That’s an aspect ratio of 9:16.

What is the highest quality image for Facebook?

For every image you upload, Facebook stores a maximum-resolution version. It can then resize these images as needed.

Why, you may ask. It’s because Facebook needs to display your pictures in different sizes depending on user interaction and sometimes device sizes.

For example, your profile picture appears as a different size under comments and differently when someone clicks on it to view it in theater mode.

Facebook will store a higher version of your profile picture at 2048px by 2048px. The app will also store a higher variant of your cover photo at 2037px by 754px.

We’ll get into this for each type of Facebook post in the following sections.

What Happens When You Upload Images with Different Orientation and Dimensions?

When you upload many pictures with different dimensions, orientations, and aspect ratios, Facebook will use the dimensions and aspect ratio of the first image to resize the others.

If the first image has an aspect ratio of 1:1, then all other images are automatically resized to 1:1 square photos. If you’re uploading multiple images, we recommend you upload them in 1200px by 1200px sizes.

What is the square size for a facebook post?

Facebook displays square images on the timeline at 492px by 492px dimensions. When users click and expand the image, Facebook resizes the photo and displays it larger.

To be on the safe side, upload square images with at least 1200px by 1200px dimensions.

Facebook image size and aspect ratio, what’s the difference?

In simple terms, image size determines how big or small an image is, while aspect ratio determines the shape (portrait, landscape, or square). An aspect ratio of 2:1 simply says that for every 2 pixels of width, there must be a corresponding 1 pixel of height.

If the eventual size of the image width is 200 pixels, then the size of the image height will be 100 pixels. The aspect ratio ensures that when Facebook resizes the image, the photo maintains its initial shape or orientation.

How to go live on Facebook horizontally?

Going live is a fantastic way to engage your followers. It allows you to connect with your followers, unlike speaking to a live person on Facebook.

If you want to go live on Facebook in landscape orientation, follow the steps below:

  1. Flip your phone to horizontal mode before launching live transmission on Facebook.
  2. Once your phone is in horizontal orientation, open the app and launch the Facebook Live feature.

Your live transmission should be in horizontal mode.

Note that you cannot change the orientation till you end the live transmission. You must change your phone’s orientation and relaunch the app.

Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve also answered two additional questions regarding Facebook post dimensions below.

Can a Facebook post be a portrait, and in what dimension?

A Facebook post can be in portrait orientation.

Facebook displays portrait pictures as 492px by 738px on your followers’ timeline.

The ideal dimensions to upload portrait images to Facebook is 1364px by 2046px so that Facebook resizing your image does not affect its quality.

What aspect ratio is best for Facebook?

The best aspect ratio for Facebook depends on the kind of post.

Facebook stories require an aspect ratio of 9:16, while Facebook event cover photo requires an image with an aspect ratio of 2:1.

Hence, one aspect ratio doesn’t work for all kinds of posts. 

Wrapping Up

For various situations, Facebook will always resize the images you upload. To ensure this resizing doesn’t reduce the quality of your images, you must always upload high-resolution images.

The ideal image size varies from post to post. For images on the Facebook feed, ensure they’re at least 1200px by 1200px. You can easily resize or create images in proper dimensions using tools like Canva.

We hope you enjoyed the article. If you have any questions, please share them below. We’ll be glad to help.

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