Poll Ideas for Instagram Stories Prompt

Increase interaction with engaging Instagram poll ideas.

Use Instagram Story polls to drive engagement and gather insights from followers.

This prompt provides a list of poll ideas designed to entertain and inform, keeping followers interested and interacting with your content.

  • What: Provides poll ideas to boost follower interaction on Instagram Stories.
  • When to Use: Ideal for increasing daily engagement on Instagram Stories.


Generate a list of engaging poll ideas for Instagram Stories to encourage follower interaction. Include a mix of industry-relevant questions, fun this-or-that polls, and opinion-based questions that followers will enjoy answering.

Tips for Using This Prompt

Tailor poll questions to the interests and preferences of the brand’s audience.

Include a balance of lighthearted and brand-specific polls to maintain variety.

It’s best to avoid overly complex or controversial questions, as these may discourage interaction.