20+ Blog Post Examples That You Can Use For Inspiration

Discover the best blog post examples to reference in 2024. We'll show you our favorite blog post examples from reputable sites and what makes them great.

Like many things in life, blogging is easier said than done.

You might have a great concept for a post, but when it comes time to write it, it just doesn’t come out the way you want it. Or even worse, you get a nasty case of writer’s block and spend hours staring at a blank page with nothing to show.

If you’re having trouble getting the gears turning for your blog, then keep reading. This article will teach you everything you need to know about writing your next blog post and give a few insightful examples to encourage and inspire you.

Brett Helling
Owner, Bloggingtips.com

Brett Helling is a digital marketing expert with over 10 years of experience building, managing, and scaling websites.

  • ITEM

Parts of a Blog Post Template

There are four main parts of every blog post template:

  • Blog Post Topic: A compelling title that draws readers in and lets them know the subject of your post.
  • Introduction: The introduction aims to give a general overview of the post’s content and prompt visitors to read further.
  • Body Content: The body content is the meat and potatoes of the blog post. Content should be as in-depth as possible and consist of high-quality content, keywords, and headings.
  • Conclusion: The conclusion gives final thoughts, reiterates the main points, and includes a call to action.

Types of Blog Posts to Consider Writing

You’ll find that many blog posts on the internet fall into a certain category.

Since these formats are so popular, choosing one of these types may increase your Blog’s odds of being found.

  • General Informational Posts: posts that answer a question or provide information on a subject.
  • Ultimate Guides: posts that tell readers how to do something or explain how something works.
  • List Posts: listicles that categorize and organize related information in list format.
  • Review Posts: posts that review and analyze products, services, content, people, or others for their audience.
  • Best X for Y Posts: a post that provides solutions. X represents the solution, and Y is the problem.
  • Sponsored Posts: a post that another brand or company pays you to write and put on your site. Sometimes a form of guest posting.

Blog Post Examples to Check Out

If you’re stumped and aren’t quite sure where to start, here are a few excellent blog examples to go off of and take inspiration from:

vector illustration showing many different types of generic blog post examples on computer screens

First Blog Post Examples

The best first blog post you can have is one that introduces who you are and why you started your Blog.

This post should be friendly, and welcoming and incentivize readers to come back or read further.


A Girl’s Guide to Home DIY

In this post, the author informally introduces who they are and describes their blog.

This introduction is fun and creates a likable personality to which readers can relate.

The Friendly Teacher

In this one, the author is light-hearted and honest.

They introduce themselves through a list of short statements that are sincere and written from the heart.

Blog Examples for Beginners

Everyone starts somewhere. You don’t have to have a huge website or long list of posts to be great.

Many exceptional blogs have humble starts and maintain high-quality content while staying simple.


Wandering Earl

The Wandering Earl is a great example of a person who loves traveling and created something from their passion.

The site didn’t start with any grandiose scheme, but continues to run with a simple yet effective format.

A Cozy Kitchen

It’s just a cooking blog about a girl and her dog.

The site’s design is sleek, cute, and each blog post retains a recipe recounted by the author’s experiences.

Blog Examples About Life

Lifestyle blogs are something anyone can do!

They’re a way for people to share their experiences with others and have become quite popular in recent years.


The Blog Abroad

The Blog Abroad is about a woman and her life experiences – nothing more, nothing less.

It shows how versatile a blog can be while still remaining simple and easy to manage.

Julie Blanner

This lifestyle blog is one made for everyday living.

There are recipes, house decor, and DIY projects.

Blog Examples for Fashion Bloggers

Fashion blogs are another popular category of blogs that always seem to captivate their audiences.

If fashion is your thing, you might want to consider getting started on your own fashion blog.


Wendy’s LookBook

Another person who created something from nothing, Wendy’s LookBook is a beloved fashion blog with a great template and lots of personality.

Egg Canvas

The Egg Canvas is an artsy blog with tons of material on fashion, skincare, and dietary routines.

There’s something charming about how the site is structured, and there’s tons to learn from its style.

Even More Blog Post Examples

For even more blog post examples, check out the following that we’ve included below.

1. The Friendly Teacher

first blog post example

Hannah at The Friendly Teacher does a great job with her first blog post.

It’s an intro that goes over:

  • the purpose of her blog
  • her background and interests
  • her approach to teaching reading

She also announce a giveaway on the page, which is a nice way to kick things off.

Overall, the page is an intro, so it won’t get much traffic over time, but it does do a great job of introducing Hannah, her personality and what she hopes to accomplish with her blog.

2. Gimme Some Oven

I came across Gimme Some Oven when researching mom blog name ideas. Ali keeps it short and sweet on her first post, and this is how it goes for many first blog posts.

3. Fun Cheap or Free

My wife and I follow a lot of Jordan Page’s advice and content at Fun Cheap or Free.

Her first post is straightforward and mentions her goal of highlighting creative ways to save money. I also like that she includes contact information for readers who do come across the post.

4. Young House Love

The first post at Young House Love offers a quick glimpse into what’s to come from bloggers John and Sherry.

It’s quick and to the point, and acts more of a preview than a full introduction to the couple and their blog.

5. Happy Hooligans

The Happy Hooligans’ first post is a great one: it introduces the blog, the goal and also has some nice calls to action to comment, email Jackie or follow them on Facebook.

I also like that the intro posts includes internal links to other blog posts – if you’re going to create an intro post, it will be the most “aged” post on your site, so it’s a great idea to link this page to more content-heavy ones.

6. Michael Hyatt

This post is an interesting example because Michael set up this site as a way to “communicate with our employees on some sort of regular basis.”

He does a great job of laying out why the blog could be effective, and explains what he expects to do with the blog.

Overall, this is a great intro because it explains the how and why behind the blog and its creation.

7. A Girl’s Guide to Home DIY

first blog posts

Lauren at A Girl’s Guide to Home DIY does a great job with her first blog post, which goes over:

  • her background and interests
  • how she started doing DIY home projects
  • the goal of her blog

This is one of the best intro posts I came across because there’s a clear story line in Lauren’s content.

She also adds it to the top navigation of her blog for good measure, so this intro post probably gets more traffic than your typical one.

8. Sylvie’s Suitcase

Sylvie has a great intro post that reviews her previous blog, Cotton Tales, and why she focused on travel content with her new blog.

She also includes a few photos and a good idea of what readers can expect from her blog.

9. My Debt Epiphany

Chonce at My Debt Epiphany has a great intro post, going into her background and what her blog will cover.

I also like that she includes a nice bold call to action using ConvertKit, so her intro post can capture more leads than the standard first post.

10. IKEA Hackers

Here’s a quick and easy first post that goes over the basics, and tells readers that Jules is not paid by IKEA to do content.

Nothing crazy, but gets the point across.

11. Cherished Bliss

Ashley at Cherished Bliss posted her first post as a way to update people on her Etsy store.

It’s less of a robust intro and more of an update post, which is a great idea if you have an existing platform or audience from social media, email, Etsy, etc. that already has an idea of what your content, services or products are all about.

12. Domestic Imperfection

Ashley at Domestic Imperfection gets right to the point: this blog is “about all things domestic.”

It’s not a long intro, but it does include an example project so readers can get an idea of what to expect from Ashley’s content.

13. Trips with Tykes

first blog posts

Trips with Tykes’ first post from Leslie covers all the basics: her background and why she started her blog.

14. Have Baby Will Travel

It looks like this post is the first of Have Baby Will Travel’s “updated” blog, and Corinne does a good job of including a call to action to email with input.

15. Beneath My Heart

Here’s a solid all-around intro post from Traci that covers a little background, a little story and some pictures – as well as a call to action to join her email newsletter.

16. At Home with Ashley

Ashley uses her first blog post to spell out her blog vision and purpose.

“I believe my calling in life is to create beauty and I want to help you (yes, you!) have a beautiful life,” she writes. “So here I am blogging about the process.”

17. DIY Beautify

Cindy’s first post on DIY Beautify is all about fear and the pull to create cool things. That’s what blogging’s about for a lot of bloggers, but she does a good job of laying it out simply.

19. Citygirlmeetsfarmboy

This one’s short and sweet and explains that Citygirlmeetsfarmboy is all about “how the world is better when people do what they love.”

Pro Tip: Use Blog Writing Tools for Efficiency

A common misconception is that all beginners should start on a blank document and write everything themselves.

That’s not true, as there are various tools out there to make blog writing exponentially easier.

vector graphic showing an illustration of the best ai writing software

1. Outline with Frase.io

Frase.io is an AI writing tool that can generate short blurbs of content based on the specifications you put in.

Not only will this save you tons of time, but it will also optimize your content so that it’s engineered to rank higher on search engines.

Will it do everything for you?

Well, no.

But it can help you by researching analytics, creating content briefs, and implementing keywords to help people find your site.

2. Write with Jasper.ai

Another excellent AI writer is Jasper.

Like Frase, Jasper is a cohesive AI writing software that uses SEO techniques to generate creative content for social media and blog posts.

It’s an amazing way to significantly speed up the writing process and ensure that your content is both high quality and optimized to rank high in search engines.

The Critical Role of Editing in Blogging Success

Now that you’ve mastered the steps of writing a blog post, it’s vital not to underestimate the critical role of editing in achieving blogging success. Imagine your blog post as a dish you’re preparing for an important dinner party. While the ingredients – the raw ideas and creativity – form the basis of the dish, the editing process is like seasoning and refining the dish to perfection.

Even the most skillful writers can produce drafts riddled with mistakes or awkward sentences. That’s where editing swoops in to save the day. The primary purpose of editing is to ensure your ideas are communicated clearly and effectively, maintaining the flow and coherence of your writing. It involves checking and correcting grammatical errors, punctuation, spelling, and syntax. But it’s more than just that.

Effective editing delves into the structure and overall coherence of your blog post. It helps to keep your writing crisp, engaging, and free of redundancies. By polishing your language, tightening your prose, and enriching your content, editing enhances your blog’s readability and credibility. It’s an opportunity to review your post from the perspective of your readers, ensuring it delivers the impact and information you intend.

You should always work with a professional editor. If you don’t, your blog could lose its potential charm and readability, deterring readers rather than attracting them.

Always remember that a well-crafted, error-free blog post not only reflects your credibility as a blogger but also enhances your reputation among readers and fellow bloggers.

Therefore, consider editing not as an optional step, but as an indispensable part of your journey to blogging success.

1. DIY and Crafts

Good topic = how to make christmas light balls with plastic cups

Very specific project, gets about 100 searches (more at xmas), low competition.

Bad topic = diy stained glass

This is a pretty broad topic within DIY, and gets about 2,900 searches per month.

It’s doable, but would be very difficult for a new blog to rank for and get traffic.

2. Home Improvement

Good topic = how to match paint color on wall

This is a specific problem that gets about 200 searches per month.

Bad topic = exterior house colors

This is a super broad, competitive topic that won’t be specific enough to really get traffic.

The first page of results includes sites like Better Homes & Gardens, Bob Vila and Sherwin Williams.

It would be really hard to get any traffic at all from a topic like this.

3. Food

Good topic = what to do with leftover lasagna noodles

Again, a very specific search that’s not too competitive and gets about 300 searches per month.

Bad topic = chicken salad recipe

Too broad, too competitive and hard to beat big sites like Food Network that have been ranking for this recipe for years and years.

Start from the Bottom

When you’re just starting a new job, especially if you have no experience, sometimes you gotta start at the bottom.

You don’t walk in and take the corner office.

Same thing happens with Google rankings and traffic.

You can’t start a new blog and expect to get immediate Google traffic – especially from big topics and searches.

Instead, you start at the bottom, put in the work and prove that you’re useful to others.

Then, once your work is recognized, you can move up.

That’s the exact strategy I’ve used for blogging and it’s always worked well.

Start small, build trust, grow to bigger opportunities down the road.

If you do this right, you’ll be blown away by how well blogging can work, even if you’re just covering small topics that get 200 searches or less each month.

Quick Recap

  • build trust by writing about small, specific problems first
  • focus on topics more than individual keywords
  • move to bigger topics once you’ve built up trust with readers and Google
  • avoid the two big rookie mistakes of choosing topics


If you have a niche in mind, think about some examples of small, specific problems and try to compare them to broader topics that would be too competitive.

This is a great way to get in the habit of finding long-tail topics to blog about.

For example, if you’re thinking about going into travel, a small, specific problem and search might be “fun things to do with kids in London.”

The broad version of that would be “things to do in London,” which would likely be extremely competitive.

Get in the habit of finding specific versions of broad problems and searches.

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