How To Create The Most Important Blog Pages

Learn how to create the most important blog pages on your site. We'll show you which pages to create, and why.

By the end of this lesson, learners will be able to identify and describe the essential pages that should be included in every blog to ensure a professional presence and meet user expectations.

Materials Needed: Computer with internet access, access to a blog platform (like WordPress, Blogger, etc.), examples of successful blogs

Brett Helling

Brett Helling is a digital marketing expert with over 10 years of experience building, managing, and scaling websites.

  • A well-structured blog improves user experience and enhances SEO performance.
  • The homepage showcases key blog details and highlights featured or recent posts.
  • An About page connects bloggers to readers by sharing personal stories and goals.
  • The Contact page facilitates communication, ensuring accessible forms or social media links.

1. Introduction

  • Duration: 10 minutes
  • Activity: Discuss the importance of having a well-structured blog with key pages that cater to both new and returning visitors. Explain how these pages can impact the user experience and SEO.

2. The Homepage

  • Duration: 20 minutes
  • Description: The homepage is often the first impression visitors have of your blog. It should clearly communicate what the blog is about and highlight recent or key posts.
  • Activity: Show examples of effective homepages. Discuss elements like layout, navigation, and featured content.

3. About Page

  • Duration: 20 minutes
  • Description: This page gives your blog a personal touch. It should explain who you are, what you do, and what readers can expect from your blog.
  • Activity: Analyze about pages from several successful blogs. Highlight how bloggers use their stories to connect with their audience.

4. Contact Page

  • Duration: 15 minutes
  • Description: Essential for communication, this page should include ways to contact you. This can be through a form, email, or social media links.
  • Activity: Demonstrate how to set up a contact form using a blog platform. Discuss privacy and responsiveness.

5. Blog Posts Page

  • Duration: 15 minutes
  • Description: This is where the main content of your blog lives. It should be easy to navigate, with posts organized by date, category, or popularity.
  • Activity: Show how to organize blog posts and categories on a blog platform. Discuss the importance of a clean, user-friendly layout.

6. Privacy Policy Page

  • Duration: 20 minutes
  • Description: A privacy policy page is legally important, especially if you collect any data from your visitors (like comments, subscriptions, etc.).
  • Activity: Discuss the components of a privacy policy and use a template or generator to create a basic version.

7. FAQ Page

  • Duration: 20 minutes
  • Description: This page addresses common questions about your blog or niche. It saves time for both the blogger and the reader by preempting common queries.
  • Activity: Create a list of frequently asked questions that pertain to your blog’s topic or operations.

8. Conclusion and Q&A

  • Duration: 10 minutes
  • Activity: Recap the pages discussed and open the floor for any questions from the participants.

Assignment: Create a draft for each of the essential pages discussed in today’s lesson. Include at least one unique element in each page that reflects your personal or blog brand.

Assets for Blogging

Discover our favorite blogging tools, resources, and examples to build and scale a successful blog.