How to Come Up With a Blog Name

Learn how to come up with a blog name, step-by-step. I'll show you a simple, proven formula that I use to create memorable names.

Once you’ve decided to launch a blog – whether for personal or business purposes – one of the first decisions you have to make involves your domain name selection.

It can be exciting to come up with a new idea for a blog, but before you rush to set it up, consider the importance of your blog’s name.

Brett Helling

Brett Helling is a digital marketing expert with over 10 years of experience building, managing, and scaling websites.

  • A memorable blog name reflects your brand and sets the tone for your content.
  • Keep blog names short, easy to pronounce, and scalable for long-term growth.
  • Incorporate niche-related keywords for better SEO and brand recognition.
  • Avoid generic, overly complex, or copycat names to stand out and attract readers.

Your blog’s name is the first thing people will see on your blog and it will set the tone for what your brand is.

You don’t want to regret your name choice and should avoid having to repeatedly change it, as that will make it hard for your audience to find your blog and stay involved.

Cementing your blog’s name from the get-go gives you more time to focus on building your brand and assembling the rest of your blog.

But how do you pick the right blog name, and what should you avoid? I’ll show the exact tips I use on my own blogs when I start one from scratch.

The Most Important Step: Determine The “Why”

Every day, more and more bloggers are starting their websites. With the right blog name, you can make an impression on your readers before they even read your content.

Choosing the perfect name for your blog is crucial as it should reflect your brand’s personality, be memorable, and stand out from the crowd.

Stats show that there are more than 500 million blogs on the web, with more than 2 billion posts published yearly. With such competition, coming up with unique blog name ideas that stand out from the crowd can be difficult.

On this note, this guide will provide you with the information and tips needed to craft perfect blog name ideas and helpful suggestions for names that could work for your site.

Why Is a Blog Name So Important?

Choosing the right name for your blog is an important step in starting a blog.

Good blog name ideas can help create an identity and build recognition among readers, while a bad one can make it difficult to stand out from the crowd.

To add, memorable blog name ideas allow you to promote your content on social media and other platforms easily.

Beyond setting you apart from the competition, blog name ideas that resonate with potential readers can be invaluable to growing your blog and building an audience.

A good name should capture the essence of what your blog is about — whether that’s a specific topic, hobby, or life event — and draw people in with its uniqueness.

Additionally, blog name ideas should be easy to remember and pronounce so that readers can easily refer to their friends or family. When selecting perfect blog name ideas, there are a few key points to consider.

According to research, 83% of consumers believe that emotionally driven and personalized experiences make brands more appealing. This suggests that your blog’s own name should evoke some emotion or connection with readers.

Additionally, a recent survey showed that 59% of consumers prefer to shop with brands they recognize and trust.

A catchy, memorable name can help increase awareness of your brand and potentially even drive more leads and sales.

Should Your Blog Name and URL Be the Same?

If you want to establish your personal brand and be considered an authority in your niche, then use your name as the blog’s URL. This is advantageous because it’s easy to reserve the domain and people can easily search for your blog.

On the other hand, if you want to create a blog that fosters community, like this blog, then follow these 3 easy steps:

  1. Determine your niche (is it blogging, gardening, web design, or wellness?)
  2. Find relevant keywords that you can easily rank for (I suggest you read our Guide to Keyword Research)
  3. Find domains that contain the keywords you’ve selected

Think about what the purpose of your blog is, and then think bigger. If you are building your blog for business purposes, to make money, go broad.

Elements of a Blog That Interact Together

When you’re starting to build your blog, there are a few factors you should consider.

  • Blog Name: Of course, we’ve already mentioned the importance of a blog name. You’ll use it on your website home page and other parts of your site.
  • Domain Name: Your domain name refers to the address visitors will type into their browser to find your website. It includes your blog name and the TLD.
  • Domain Extension: A domain extension or top-level domain (TLD) comes after your blog name in a domain. A few examples of domains:
    • .com, which is the most common, but there are many .com alternatives.
    • .edu, which would communicate that your blog is intended to be educational and informative.
    • .org, which stands for “organization” and is frequently used by nonprofits.
  • Brand Guidelines: Brand guidelines explain how you want to represent your blog to the world. They help keep you and any writers you may hire on the same wavelength.
  • Social Media Profiles: You can use social media to promote your brand, but you’ll want to ensure your blog name is free on various platforms.

As you can see, the blog name touches many different parts of the site, so getting this right, from the start, is critically important.

What Makes a Good Blog Name?

When deciding how to come up with a blog name, you need a few things. Here’s how to help name your new blog.

  • Easy to pronounce: A good name for a blog will be easy to say and spell. That way, your readers can easily look you up and find your content. They’ll also be able to tell their friends about your blog so more people can find you.
  • Short and concise: A short name will help make your name easy to type, remember, and pronounce, so people will visit your blog more often.
  • Creative: You should also take time to have fun with naming your blog. Find ways to get creative to help your blog stand out against the competition.
  • Memorable: A memorable blog name will also help people remember to visit your blog again. If your name is too simple, people might forget about you.
  • Scalable: Even if you start with a small niche, such as gluten-free baking, choose a name you can use to grow your blog. Instead of “Treats Without Gluten,” choose something like “The Happy Baker” since that has room for growth.

Best Practices for Blog Names

Consider the following best practices for naming a new blog.

  • How Long Should a Blog Name Be? Google recommends you choose a name that’s two or three words long. A name that’s much longer can be more difficult to remember.
  • Should My Blog Be My Name? If you aren’t sure what you’ll blog about, you can use your name. However, you might not want to do that if your first or last name is hard for people to say or spell.
  • Should I Call My Blog a Blog? You can call your blog a blog. If you’re setting up a blog for your business, you can also name the section “insights” or something similar.

How Does Your Blog Name Impact SEO and Profitability?

When it comes to successfully creating and managing a blog, there are many factors to consider. From content creation and curation to website design and promotional strategies, these elements can directly impact your blog’s profitability.

One aspect often overlooked when considering how to improve blog performance is the blog’s name.

Here, we’ll explore how your blog name can affect SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and how it can ultimately help increase your blogging efforts’ profitability.

1. Domain Authority

Choosing an appropriate domain name for your blog can help you establish authority with search engines. Search engines consider both the content on your website and the name of your website when ranking it.

A relevant blog name can help show search engines that you are an authority on the topic and give them a better understanding of your blog. This, in turn, can lead to higher rankings for your blog on search engine results pages (SERPs).

Domain authority is also important when it comes to link building. Search engines view websites with higher domain authority as more valuable and trustworthy than those with lower scores.

As such, websites with high domain authority often receive more inbound links from other sites. This can benefit your blog, as it can help you create greater visibility and increase traffic.

2. Brand Recognition

Having an easily recognizable brand name can be invaluable for driving traffic to your blog. Identifying and remembering a brand name helps people become aware of your blog’s content and services, which is key for successful blogging efforts.

An effective blog name should also draw attention and stick with readers, so they remember it when searching for content related to topics you cover on your blog.

Creating strong brand recognition also requires you to understand your target audience. Knowing who you are attempting to reach with your blog and its content will help you create an accurate representation of the brand name.

This can be done by researching what kinds of language, images, and words resonate most with your target demographic. Creating content that speaks to your target audience’s needs and interests can also help establish strong brand recognition.

3. Keywords

Using keywords in your domain name can help create better visibility for your blog on search engine results pages (SERPs).

People often use keywords when searching for content related to topics they are interested in, and having a keyword-rich domain name can be beneficial for helping people find your website easier.

However, it is essential to note that you should never spam keywords into your domain name as this could negatively affect SEO performance.

It’s important to consider how your domain name and keywords will affect your SEO efforts. For example, using long-tail keywords or phrases can help better target customers looking for a specific service or product that you offer.

Including synonyms of keywords throughout the content on your blog can also be beneficial, as search engines will interpret the related words and phrases to find your website.

When crafting a great domain name, you should also be mindful of how easy it is to spell and remember. A commonly used tip is to use a domain name shorter than 12 characters, as this will be much easier for users to remember when searching for your website.

It’s also essential to ensure your keywords are relevant to your target audience; otherwise, it could lead people away from your blog.

4. User Experience

An effective blog name also helps ensure users have a positive experience with your blog. An appropriate domain name should be easily recognizable and easy to spell or remember so users can quickly and accurately enter the address into their web browser.

This can help reduce the time it takes for users to find your blog, which could ultimately lead to more traffic (and, potentially, increased profits). In addition to a memorable domain name, an influential blog should also have a user-friendly design.

The layout of your blog should be clear and easy for users to navigate. It should provide helpful information about the site’s purpose and simplify accessing content.

Additionally, your blog should be optimized for all types of devices so that you can view it on desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. This allows users to access your blog from any device they choose, increasing the potential for more readership.

Moreover, user experience should extend to your content as well. You should write content clearly and concisely in a way that is easily understood by your target audience.

Additionally, blog posts should be organized using headings, subheadings, and images to make the content easier to read. This can help readers quickly identify relevant information and allow them to find what they are looking for without searching through the entire post.

5. Building Links

Finally, an effective blog name is also beneficial for building links to your blog. When other websites link to your blog, they often use the domain name in their anchor text.

As such, having a memorable and keyword-friendly domain name can be very helpful in this regard. Additionally, using a catchy and unique domain name helps people remember it when sharing content from your blog with others.

When building links for your blog, it is important to have a clear and concise website structure. This helps Google and other search engines understand the relevance of your content concerning various topics.

Additionally, having an organized navigation menu can help visitors quickly identify what type of content they are looking for. A well-structured website also makes it easier for search engine spiders to crawl and index your content accurately.

To create a successful link-building strategy, you must diversify the types of links you are creating. This can include outbound links, inbound links, social media links, and internal links.

Things to Avoid When Naming Your Blog

Regarding naming your blog, there are several pitfalls to watch out for. Your blog name should be memorable and engaging, but more importantly, it should accurately reflect your blog’s content. Here are some tips on what to avoid when picking a name:

  • Generic Names: Avoid generic names that could apply to any other blog. A generic name is not memorable and lacks the ability to differentiate itself from other blogs and won’t draw in potential readers.
  • Difficult-to-Pronounce Names: You want your blog name to be easy to remember, so avoid using words or names that are difficult to pronounce. Otherwise, people may struggle to recall your blog name.
  • Overly Long Names: You don’t want a blog name that is too long or complicated, as it will be difficult for readers to remember. Try and keep it short, but still relevant to your content.
  • Unprofessional Language: Don’t use swear words or slang terms, as this could make your blog look unprofessional. Your blog name must be taken seriously and represent the quality of your content.
  • Too Specific: Your blog name should not be too specific, as you may eventually want to expand on topics outside of what you initially wrote about. Choosing a more general name gives you some flexibility if you decide to write about other topics.
  • Copycats: You should avoid copying or sounding similar to another blog name, as this could confuse readers. Be original and find a name that accurately reflects your blog’s content.
  • Using Numbers or Symbols: Adding numbers or symbols can make it difficult for people to remember how to spell (or type) your blog name.

How To Come Up With a Blog Name

vector graphic showing how to come up with a blog name

Every blog needs a name and once you find the right one everything seems to fall into place.

You’ll find it easier to build a brand around your blog, to attract your ideal readers, and to grow it into a successful business.

But where do you start? How do you find a good name for your blog?

In this section we’ll take a look at our different activities and ideas you could use to come up with the perfect blog name.

1. Have a Creative Thinking Session

One of the best ways to find a great name for your blog is to have a creative thinking session.

You can do this digitally and make notes online, but the best way is to grab a big piece of paper or a notebook and a pen.

Sit down somewhere quiet and free from distractions — you want to be able to concentrate on nothing but your own thoughts and ideas.

There are lots of different creative thinking exercises you could try, but these are some of our favorites:

  • Write down any words that you feel strongly relate to your brand or mission
  • Note down the feelings, emotions, and reactions you want your audience to feel
  • Make a list of words that you feel a connection to — this could be because of their meaning, the way they sound, or how they look
  • Pair some of these words together to create phrases or combinations
  • Doodle and bring your ideas to life in pictures
  • Bring in some colors, patterns or textures — you could even create a mini moodboard

2. Bring Your Friends Together

Sometimes the best ideas can come from a discussion or conversation with others.

Why not meet up with some friends or local creatives for some collective inspiration?

Ask friends and family for their help — they might suggest words or phrases you hadn’t thought of.

If you don’t have anyone nearby who you can collaborate with, ask in a Facebook community — they’re full of creative business owners and bloggers.

3. Create an Unusual Pairing

Blog names that combine two words continue to be popular, as they’re an easy way to add some context to your niche or describe your content.

You can take advantage of this trend and find a creative blog name if you opt for an unusual pairing of words.

Think of two words that you traditionally wouldn’t put together.

This could be colors or patterns, opposite adjectives, or concepts that feel surprising.


Examples of This Done Well

Take travel blog Local Adventurer, for example.

When we think of adventures and travel we might think of faraway places or exotic destinations.

This blog brings the focus home, with content that helps people explore their hometowns better.

Unusual pairings are also popular with fashion and beauty blogs.

The Budget Fashionista inspires fashion lovers to indulge their passion on a budget, in a world where fashion can be expensive and unattainable.


4. Model a Name After a Competitor

Another option is to take inspiration from your competition.

Look for successful blogs in your niche and see what they’re doing.

This may seem like a no-brainer, but doing your research on the kinds of blogs you’ll be competing against will give you an idea of what type of name will work for your own blog.

Don’t copy the name, but you can use that to get an idea of a name that could work for you.

You won’t be copying anyone, yet it may just be the perfect nudge to get those creative juices flowing.

A similar name is a fine way to go.

Use Niche-Related Keywords

You can also consider your niche and use keywords related to it.

If you have a blog about string instruments, you could use the word “orchestra” in your blog name.

5. Change a Popular Phrase

We walked about catchphrases in one of our earlier tips, but if you can’t create one of your own, why not be inspired by a popular one?

There are so many sayings and phrases that have become part of life, and some of them would make a really creative blog name.

A great example of this is Almost Makes Perfect, a home decor and DIY blog with a name that’s a play on the phrase “practice makes perfect.”

6. Try Using Alliteration

Can you create content consistently?

Consider using alliteration, which is where your blog name has words that all start with the same letter.

alliteration (noun)

  1. the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words.
  2. “the alliteration of ‘sweet birds sang’”

You may not realize it but I bet you use alliteration in your day-to-day life without even realizing it.

It has an almost musical quality that allows a sentence to flow fluidly from one word to the next and is incredibly addictive.

Try alliteration when coming up with your blog name, by using the same letter for each word in your name.

A few ideas could be, “Business Blogging Basics” or “Blogging Blues Busters” – you can probably come up with something much more awesome than me, I’m sure!

[Remember to use this trick in some of your blog titles, too]

7. Use Humor

Niche humor appeals to a specific audience, but something broader, like a pun, works just as well.

Laughter and humor is an infectious tonic with the benefit of making your readers smile.

Try boosting those endorphins by creating a blog name that portrays a wicked sense of humor. According to NamePepper’s blogging study, 7% of blog names use humor.

While it may not work for more professional blogs, if your tone of voice is fun, fresh and witty then there’s nothing to lose and is well worth giving a try.

Some of the names I’ve seen online using this method include Uncork Your Dork, Mommypotamus, and The Pillage People.

8. Try Using Assonance

Assonance is similar, but it repeats the same or similar sounds in stressed syllables.

One example could be “I Like Bikes” for a blog about bikes.

9. Use Abbreviations

Take a moment to think about the companies and brands you’re aware of and how many of them have an abbreviated name.

I can think of at least ten off the top of my head and with a bit more thought I can probably think of many more.

Abbreviations are beneficial because they keep things short and sweet, without removing your brand and identity.

You can abbreviate your whole blog name, or mix it up by half-abbreviating and use a word on the end – a bit like Devish, the owner of WPKube, does.

10. Take Inspiration From Books

Who said you have to conform to rules when creating names?

Why not take advice from the world’s greatest authors and use your favorite literature as inspiration?

Consider your favorite books and if there are any characters or quotes you like.

With millions of books out there, all full to the brim with wonderful words, it won’t take you long to find something that inspires and delights, and be a potential contender for your new blog.

You can use those to help inspire your name.

Just be careful you don’t violate any copyright laws.11. Break Out a Thesaurus

If you can’t think of any good blog names, use a thesaurus.

You can use that to find synonyms for the words you can think of on your own.

There’s something about flicking through a good thesaurus that beats almost any other method I know for coming up with interesting new words.

The Thesaurus can be a goldmine of inspiration, especially if you want to say something in a slightly different way.

A quick scan of the word “Tips”, brings up suggestions such as: buzz, hint, inkling, and pointer – all of which sound much more exciting to an ear that’s well-tuned to that more common phrase

12. Create a Catchphrase

While shorter blog names are more popular, you can also grow a successful blog with a longer, catchphrase-style name too.

Brandable names inspired by phrases or sayings work especially well for travel, lifestyle, and personal blogs, where your personality can often become central to your blog’s content.


Examples of This Done Well

A great example of a blog named after a phrase is Pinch of Yum, a food blog full of delicious recipes.

There’s also One Mile at a Time, a blog that covers travel, flights, and hotel reviews.


13. Evoke an Emotional Reaction

When people land on your blog and read through your content, you want them to feel an emotional connection to it.

If your content captures your reader’s attention and makes them feel something, they’re more likely to read more.

You might want them to feel joy as they discover a new musician that they’ll grow to love on your music blog, or a sense of calm after they read your self-care guide.

If your content is driven by emotion, it can make sense to make reference to that within your blog name.

From the example above, your wellness blog could become “Calm and Well” or “Living Lighter.”

If you have a fashion blog that’s full of color and patterns, a creative blog name for you could be “Pop and Print” or “My Bright Style.”

14. Use Your Own Name

While it might not immediately sound like a creative idea, a blog that features your name can be a smart move.

It allows you to build a personal brand and invites readers to feel an instant connection to you, as you become the face of your blog.

Nomadic Matt is a wonderful example of how you can integrate your name into a creative blog name.

His travel blog features travel tips and tricks, as well as travel guides that you can buy.

The name helps you to build a picture of the author and content immediately, and is more unique than something like “Matt Travels” or “Travel with Matt.”

15. Consider a Different Language

You can also use words from other languages in your blog’s name.

One of my favorite languages now is Icelandic.

There’s something incredibly beautiful about the way the words and syllables flow together to create their meanings.

If you’re looking to stand out in a saturated market, choosing an abstract word or phrase in a language other than English can be a great way to draw attention to yourself.

A simple online translator such as Google Translate will get you off to a good start.

For example, maybe you have a blog about dogs, so you name your blog “Perfect Perros” since “Perros” is Spanish for “dogs.”

For a creative blog name, try choosing something short with fewer syllables.

This will help to keep your blog name easy to remember and pronounce!

16. End With a Suffix

By now lots of one-word domain names and company names are already taken — as are many phrases and combinations, too.

There’s only a finite number of names available, so sometimes your perfect name is already in existence.

A way around this is to add a suffix to the end of your desired blog name. It’s a trend that originated in the startup world that’s become popular in blogging, too.

Some popular examples from the business world include Grammarly and Teachable.

One of the most well-known fashion blogs, The Sartorialist, is an example of a blog name that ends in a suffix.

Here are some popular suffixes to inspire you:

  • -al
  • -ary
  • -ation
  • -esque
  • -ful
  • -ing
  • -ly
  • -ous
  • -y

17. Blog Naming Formulas

These aren’t hard and fast rules, but they should help you find the right direction.

Blogging Tips Formula

To name this blog, we combined our topic and desired audience with our end goal.

Since this blog focuses on blogging, we chose to include “blogging” in the name.

The end goal is to offer tips, which meant that “Blogging Tips” was the perfect name.

Portmanteau Formula

You can also use a portmanteau, which is a word that blends two words.

One common one is “brunch” which combines “breakfast” and “lunch.”

If you can find a portmanteau that works for your niche, use it in your name.

18. Blog Name Generator

If all else fails, you can use a blog name generator.

These are actually some of my favorite ways to come up with fun word combinations.

These creative generators allow you to set your own limits on the kind of words you want to create.

Then all you need to do is hit “submit” and browse through the suggestions.

The great thing about many of these types of name tools is that not only do they suggest pretty awesome names, they also tell you whether the .com of that name is registered by anyone.

Taking the stress out of crafting a great name, only to find out it’s being used elsewhere.

By now, you may be getting inspired or tired out ????

Just remember, go step-by-step through these recommendations and you’ll have a .com domain name before this post is done!]

That way, you can find a name that’s available and that suits your blog.

catchy blog names

Give the following blog name generators a try.

Between all of them, you should be able to find at least one name you like.

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